Fluent Search version

You can now search for any windows settings by their name or category.

Note - the settings search will work only in English in this version and will support more languages in the future.

More customization

You can now apply your favorite font to all of Fluent Search windows and increase their scale. (Can use Ctrl+Plus/Minus in any window)

Also, you can now make the search window not open in the center of the screen.

Fluent resize

You can now easily resize the search and the settings windows. Also, you can shrink the operations pane to icon-only mode by dragging the separator to the right side.

Note - to register Alt hotkeys you must start the combination with Alt.

Improved hotkeys

You can now register hotkeys that include only modifier keys (Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Win). New possible hotkey examples:

  • Ctrl + Shift
  • Alt + S
  • Ctrl + Alt

The file search will now show results with more relevance to your search at the top.

Thanks for all the feedback, I appreciate it!