Fluent Search version
Fluent Search version
New system settings
Added new system settings according to users feedback.

C# plugins support
Fluent Search now support using 3rd party C# plugins, read more.
Full changelog
- Improved the history search of the Chromium Search
- Improved startup time
- Improved theme switch time
- Added setting for starting Fluent Search minimized
- Added setting for resetting the searched text when opening the search window
- Added setting for hiding the search window if it's already open when the hotkey is pressed
- Added support for search application plugins (Through the Blast.API packages on nuget.org)
- Fixed a bug that the system tray icon did not show correctly on RTL systems
- Fixed a bug that search application settings did not appear in the settings window
- Fixed a bug that closing processes opened them again
- Fixed loading screen being top most
- Fixed calculator search not properly matching hex and binary
Thanks for all the feedback! Feel free to contact me for any suggestion/issue on support@fluentsearch.net